
Hey everyone!

And by everyone I mean myself, since I am the only one probably ever going to read this blog. Anyways, let me tell you a bit about what I am doing. I used to be 155 pounds and let me tell you something it all sat in my stomach like Santa’s belly. Over the summer I managed to lose around 20 pounds and I am continuing my journey till I am toned up and healthy. Getting in shape and staying accountable means a lot to me and I LOVE FOOD! I seriously love food. All I do is eat. So imagine how I have struggled losing weight. I wanted this blog to be something of a motivation for myself and others and a place where I could post about different recipes I’m trying/coming up with.

Hopefully anyone who ever reads this enjoys it. If no one reads it then I guess I’ll just try to keep myself accountable via blog posts. =]

I am going to try to do Motivation Mondays, What I Ate Wednesdays, Food Fridays, and Sunday Rundays. So look out for those. Every day I am going to update about what I ate, the calorie count, and the workout I did that day along with other random posts sometimes. So I hope you all enjoy this blog and I would love to hear from you guys!

3 thoughts on “About

  1. hi! I found your blog post through a fitfluential hashtag and it’s awesome! I feel like I can relate to it because I just recently started my healthy living/eating/workout act blog as well and I’m still trying to get the hang of it! haha…anyways just wanted to say hi and that I’m reading! Also..I love, love, love the idea of Sunday Runday posts! What a fab idea!

    • Oh that’s awesome! Congratulations on your start! I am so glad you typed this comment, seriously. I sometimes feel like I am writing and no one’s reading and it’s really nice to hear from the people who actually read! I love comments. 🙂 Sunday Rundays are really fun! You should definitely join in. One day dedicated to just running is what I try to do because I love lifting and if I didn’t have to run a single mile that would be fine with me, but I know it’s good for me. 🙂 Thank you so much for reading and stopping by it means the world to me! I can’t wait to go read your blog!

  2. Just found your blog as well. I love your story as I also use to weigh 155/160. Dropped it all down to a mere 95 (anorexia) and now I am on a life long journey for RECOVERY!!! I too have a blog that I just started at morgsburk.blogspot.com if you want to follow. I talk about what I eat and what I do for workouts and a bunch of other RANDOMS!!!

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